
Showing posts from June, 2017

Podcast: 99% Invisible

99% Invisible Logo Another great podcast! 99% Invisible  from Radiotopia is technically an arts, design, and architecture podcast but it really is the stories about the things around us. From the tiny black boxes in apartment building lobbies you probably have never noticed, to giant cement arrows across the American flatlands. This podcast explores everything you never knew you didn't know about, and each episode is hosted by a different member of the 99pi team, so if hearing the same voice over and over every week is an issue for you, this could be a great podcast for you. Some of my favorite episodes include:  254 - Containers - This episode introduces users to the shipping industry and how it was drastically changed first my the advent of the shipping container, and then by the creation of the Ultra Large Container Vessel, a ship that massively increased shipping capacity, decreasing the need for many of shipping's supporting industries and causing shipping ...