Podcast: 99% Invisible
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Some of my favorite episodes include:
232 - McMansion Hell - This episode stays true to the show's architectural roots, laying out the rise of the McMansion. Once you learn some of the hallmarks of this style, you will find yourself scouring your neighborhood for tall columns, different style windows, and the dreaded McMansion roof bump.
219 - Unpleasant Design - In this episode, you learn about the different ways in which cities and businesses make spaces unpleasant for long term occupation, particularly sitting or lying down. Most of these efforts are designed to deter homeless people from spending time in their spaces, but it raises the question as to whether that is ethically right. You may find you suddenly see lots of nubs and spikes you hadn't noticed before.
181 - Milk Carton Kids - This episode breaks down the history behind the social program to help find missing children, including an incredible story about one girl. You learn how effective the program actually was, and how missing people are being found today. Some stories are inspiring, some are heartbreaking.
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