Article: Square CFO Sarah Friar Talks About Her Career In Tech – And Why Some High School Kids Are Asking For More Homework

I really like this article about Sarah Friar, CFO of Square. In it, she talks about coming up in business and tech as a woman. She has lived and worked internationally, is highly educated, and has had success in multiple industries including engineering, corporate banking, and tech startups.

One quote I really like from the article is in response to a question about the advantages and disadvantages there are to being a woman in business and tech. Friar responded:
"As a minority, you are memorable. When I was a tech analyst, I was often the only woman in the room asking a question. I knew if my question was insightful, everyone would remember “Sarah Friar probed on that.” I also knew that if it was weak or irrelevant, everyone would remember that, too. It is good to have a high bar in life, as it gives that extra adrenalin rush that we should all be craving in our professional lives."

I love this quote because it touches on a lot of the feelings I have as one of the lone women in my engineering classes or STEM interest groups. There is definitely pressure to represent all women well, in addition to wanting to do your personal best. It is refreshing to see that a woman that is so accomplished still may have some of these reservations. It is trailblazers like Sarah that help pave the way for other women to find success in business and STEM.

If you have any other successful women in business, STEM, or beyond that you would like to see featured, please reach out!


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