Podcast: How I Built This

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Calling all entrepreneurs and anyone interested in a good story! How I Built This on NPR is a great podcast about the stories behinds some of todays biggest companies. The host, Guy Raz, asks insightful questions that are able to bring out epic stories. Episodes are full of stories of 11th hour deals, ramen budgets, epic failures, and miraculous success. They run about 35-45 minutes and are perfect for a walk, run, or drive.
Some of my favorite episodes include:

Spanx: Sara Blakely - This episode is full of great business tidbits. I admire Sara's work ethic and her story is very interesting to listen to. The episode opens with a teaser about her convincing a Neiman Marcus buyer to go to the bathroom with her. Wonder how she got there? Listen to the episode!

Airbnb: Joe Gebbia - This episode explained to me how the crazy idea of renting out rooms in your house to strangers came to be. One of the best bits is actually when Airbnb was out of money, so Gebbia created a cereal called Obama-O's to fund his company. The product took off and showed the value of hustle in entrepreneurship. Right on.

Kate Spade: Kate & Andy Spade - Most episodes contain an incredible amount of hustle and the Kate Spade episode is no exception. This episode sticks with me because it is about someone with a great eye for design and a husband and wife team that was able to manage being business partners and married.

Real Estate Mogul: Barbara Corcoran - If you are a fan of Shark Tank like me, you might be curious about how one of the Sharks got their start. Corcoran had a very logical path through the New York real estate market, which is different than some of the more down-to-the-wire startup stories. This episode is also full of great business tidbits and wisdoms, including pricing all of her units the same, regardless of location or amenities, and creating buzz through exclusive showings for potential clients.


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