Date: 28.6.13 Time: 13:00 Location: The Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, England Trypanosome division My final day in Oxford began with Helen, counting cells under the microscope that have been tagged with DAPI, which tags the nucleus and kinetoplast. The cells were then counted and sorted into groups based on where they were in the life cycle. The five groups were 1K1N, 2K1N, 2K2N, Zoid, and Other. 1K1N, 2K1N, and 2K2N refers to the number of nuclei and kinetoplast in the cell. For example, 1K1N has one nucleus and one kinetoplast, so that cell has either just undergone cell division or has not yet begun cell division. 2K1N cells have begun dividing, as they contain two kinetoplasts, which are the first part of the cell to divide. 2K2N cells have almost completed division, as they contain both two kinetoplasts and two nuclei. Zoids are cells where division has gone wrong, they contain only one kinetoplast and no nuclei. Other is...